
Showing posts from October, 2018

Avocado and others (1 month update)

A month or so has passed since I tried the lifehack avocado germinating experiment and here are some photos of how well they're doing now. (Yes, the lifehack is TRUE so I recommend ya'll to try it yourself). Two weeks after poking and submerging some seeds into a cup, one seed germinated fast. It developed roots while the others are just slowly developing their own roots. This seed was originally closed. You can see that a root is about to sprout. This was the first seed that germinated and grew roots.  I transferred the first seed to a pot but I did not expose it under direct sunlight just yet. I have to wait for it to sprout leaves before doing so.  Ginger In our original experiment, I and my friends tried to grow our own ginger mostly because we know it's quite easy to do it. After 8 months of waiting, here is the ginger we managed to harvest from our container. It's not much because we did not try to grow a lot. Seeing these made me feel